Creating Tomorrow
We believe in a better world and every day we build generations that contribute to it.
Our founder Bas Beek explains his «WHY».
Our mission, our WHY is to empower future generations every day. We are proud to wake up every day and do this wonderful and responsible job.
The first years of a child's life are crucial in determining what kind of person they will become. These years not only shape the child's personal life, but also their role in the lives of their loved ones as well as their footprint in this world. Children are born with many talents. Our task is to give impulses so that the child can develop its potential.
At Akidemy we focus especially on the development of the child and not "only" on childcare. Our qualified staff supports your child in its self-development.
Because the best thing a child can become, is itself.
The foundation on which development takes place
The development of young children can only take place when emotional security is strengthened.
A child must be able to rely on seeing familiar faces in the group. By always being honest and sincere and communicating with the children at eye level, we establish emotional security. By recognizing their behavior, needs and feelings, we also ensure that the children feel seen and heard.
By responding to sounds, requests, or initiatives to make contact, we show that we are accessible to each child. We make children feel comfortable and safe, as this is the first step into the stages of development that follow.
Our staff is our greatest strength. With their knowledge, experience and love, they are the people who take care of your children, encourage their development and offer them a home away from home. And that every day!